كيمياء حيوية جزيئية


Molecular Biochemistry Lab

BIOC 432


Instruments and equipment

Introduction to nucleic acids

Chemical and physical properties of nucleic acids

Isolation of RNA from yeast

 Estimation of RNA by orcinol

 The Folin method of protein assay

 Isolation of DNA from blood

 Isolation of DNA from spleen

 Estimation of DNA by diphenylamine

 Polymersae Chain Reaction

 Restriction endonucleases and ligases

 Agarose gel electrophoresis

 Bioinformatics and the interne


Student assessment
Performance & attendance 9 marks
4 marks
Final exam
12 marks
To download the lab maunal, click  here

آخر تحديث
5/18/2014 12:16:20 AM